Melani M. Tremblay, NLP, CRM, CHt, CH, CCC

Currently, Director and Owner of as well as administrator to Vancouver Island’s first Victoria’s Quit Smoking Clinic, Melani Tremblay is no stranger to the self-help field.
She began her career in 1989, and she is currently licensed as a Professional Certified Counsellor, a Certified Smoking Cessation Specialist, a Clinical Hypnotherapist and a Time Line Regression Therapist. In recent years Melani’s focus has been the development of “Victoria’s Quit Smoking Clinic,” a project in which she has found great success in helping hundreds of smokers become non-smokers forever.
Melani remains tireless in her research and application of proven, refined hypnotic techniques actively applying her knowledge during the several thousands of hours of clinical hypnosis sessions she administers. Her on-going personal dedication allows her to supercharge each individual hypnosis session and bring about rapid and effortless change for her clients. Melani is a firm believer in the minds ability to visualize, conquer and manifest whatever we desire; her mantra continues to be…
What the mind believes...the mind creates.TM

The National Board of Professional and Ethical Standards,, Counsellor Training Institute of Canada, American Alliance of Hypnotists, NSSG National Stop Smoking Centers, Advanced Mind Development

American Hypnosis Association

International Medical & Dental Hypnotherapy Association

International Alliance of Professional Hypnotists

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